We had a Q&A session recently with Bat Mitzvah girls and their parents. One of the girls asked a question that I thought would be hard to answer without being controversial or making people uncomfortable, but I decided that the truth is the best way forward, so I answered, albeit with sensitivity.

To my surprise there were no issues. I made it clear that understanding something doesn’t mean agreeing to it or instantly adjusting your behaviour.

It is common for people to shy away from sharing or thinking about uncomfortable truths. But if we don’t do it, we don’t learn and we don’t grow.

This Sunday we begin blowing the Shofar daily. It is a beautiful time of the year that leads into Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot.

Every person wants to be stronger, wiser, and deeper. We want to feel like we are achieving and making the most of our life.

It all begins with the question; what can I do differently to what I’m doing right now?

Am I open to growing? Am I open to change? I want to keep the good, and strengthen it, but also to add more good.

Let us allow this special time to lift us up to greater heights.

Ketivah Vachatima Tova!

Shabbat Shalom